Real Property Management Meridian

6 Tips for Hosting a Successful Moving Sale

Are you preparing to move and looking for methods to save money? One possibility is to organize a moving sale! Selling unused items could be a great way to declutter while earning some extra cash. However, can you be sure that your relocation sale will go through? Follow these suggestions, and you’ll be on your way to holding a simple and productive moving sale.

Plan for your moving sale

Allow enough time for the planning and execution of your relocation sale. Rental property tenants should inform their landlords of upcoming events so that they can secure the proper permissions. To broaden the scope of your sale, consider asking individuals to participate. The more, the merrier, right?

Spread the word and advertise

To make your moving sale a success, you need to advertise it. Make sure that people in your area are aware of your moving sale by advertising it on social media, handing out flyers, or even creating an online ad listing it on sites like Craigslist. Mark your location with signs on the day of the sale so that customers can find you easily. Use a colorful poster board if possible because it will draw more attention.

Have a variety of fair-priced items

Before the sale day, do some research to find out how much similar items are selling for, and then decide on prices for your items. Incorrect pricing could lead to lower sales at your moving sale. You want to ensure that you receive a fair price and that your items will sell. The number of people who visit your sale will increase if you have more than just clothes and books for sale. A larger selection of items usually attracts more customers.

Prepare Your Space

Guests need to feel comfortable browsing your items, so leave plenty of space for them to do so. In addition, having adequate tables or racks on hand can help you showcase your items appropriately. To increase visibility, try placing everything near a sidewalk, at the end of your driveway, or in your yard. Although holding your sale inside a garage may seem appealing, if customers cannot see the products for sale, they could pass right by without even stopping to see what you offer.

Accept Multiple Forms of Payment

Make sure you are ready to accept a variety of payment methods, including cash, credit cards, and even electronic payments like Venmo. Keep in mind that you’ll need cash, including smaller bills and other changes, so be sure to visit the bank before the day of your sale.

Clean Up Afterward

When the sale is over, you must have a plan for getting rid of any unsold items. If you have decided to give away the items, load them all up and head to the nearest donation center. You might even be able to arrange for large goods to be hauled up. It is imperative in such a case to schedule the pickup in advance. If you still have any items you want to keep or sell online, package them immediately to prevent damage or scuffing. Remember to take down and store away any signs and flyers when the sale ends.


Using these guidelines, you should be able to raise the likelihood of a profitable moving sale!

If you want to relocate but are still looking for your next home, contact Real Property Management Meridian to view quality listings in your area!